Being down a camera sucks.

When you sell your back up camera to your Dad to get money for a new camera to realize your primary is all of a sudden out of commission, sucks.

That happened a few weeks ago to me during basketball season.  I had to ship it off to Canon to have it fixed.  I was getting the Error 99 message.  One of the few banes of my existence when it comes to Canon cameras.  I love them, but I hate getting that message.  Turn it on, then off.  Take the battery out, and then put it back in again.  It's annoying.

Managed to work through the rest of the season though, and got the rig back fixed, just in time for spring sports...well sorta fixed.

You see, I treat my gear with the best care possible, I don't want it to look like it fell down a cliff face and still works, unless it fell down a cliff face and still works.

That is exactly how it was returned to me.  Looked great when I sent it, looks like hell now.  If only I had a photo before it got shipped off.

The worst thing about it all is when it came back.  I don't really mind the exterior as much as whoever was the numb nuts that worked on my camera did to it.  I can't shoot on high burst anymore like I used to.  My images are all coming out soft.  Too soft to do anything with sharpening.  I can shoot on burst and get the results I was getting before to reasonable, but when I'm shooting high action sports, I can't shoot three frames per second, I need that 6.5 frames per second.  At least everything else seems to be holding up well.

Lacrosse, softball, and baseball all are now starting up too, so I can't send it off again.  Looks like I have to wait until after May 8th, that's the last baseball game I believe at home, but there may be some games still afterwards, so it is all a toss up.

Maybe I can afford a 7D by the end of the semester.  HA!  That will be the day.

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