Canon finally decides to come up with something that is slightly original, but more or less it seems to be jumping on the band wagon that Nikon has been applying to their cameras recently their pop up flashes. Canon has enough sense to put a sensor in the pop up to trigger a "slave" flash externally without having to purchase an expensive trigger. The Canon ST-E2 Trigger so far has been the only thing offered by Canon to wirelessly fire an external flash while mounted on the camera. There is always using the "master/slave" combination of two flashes as well, but if you want just the slave to fire, then this doesn't work. The Canon 580EX II Speedlite, as new and awesome as it is, won't fire just a slave flash, they both will fire. Thankfully though, with the release of the Canon 7D, there are a few ways of utilizing the pop up flash for more than just washed out fill light.
The 7D has the ability to let the photographer make a lot of different adjustments regardless of what it is they are taking a photo of, and to be able to use the camera's built in flash rather than the Canon ST-E2 trigger or a master flash. Now the money that would have gone into the trigger can go into another slave flash, or even better, another "L Series" lens. The 7D though with the ability to change different channels to control an almost infinite number of flashes makes it very versatile for setting up different shots and using it for all types of work where using extra lighting is needed off camera. Being able to fire without the annoying pop up going off at the same time is even better.

This is camera is great for photographers that want to get into off camera flash, but don't have the money to invest in another flash along with this hefty upgrade. It is a pricy camera, but it is also great camera for those that have flashes only with the "slave" mode such as the Canon 430EX II Speedlite.
Nikon's new D300S, which is the 7D's main market competitor carries over the same feature found in the Nikon D700, a 12.3 megapixel full frame digital SLR. The D300S hasn't come out yet, but it will soon, from looking at reviews and comparing features to the 7D, it looks like Canon finally has put their foot on ladder to being the best in the business.
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